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Building Designers
Ballarat, VIC 3350
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Shop 16, 1283 Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud VIC 393
819a Huon Rd, Fern Tree TAS 705
Cnr Centurion St & Flametree St, Bridgeman Downs QLD 403
Unit 1/ 557 Lower Dandenong Rd, Dingley VIC 317
1a Burwood Hwy, Wantirna VIC 315
81 Park St, Abbotsford VIC 306
28 Sunhaven Ave, Geilston Bay TAS 701
1 Alech Pl, Beechworth VIC 374
Providing BIM services for over 15 years
601 32 York Street, Sydney NSW 200
Suite 10A, 175 Main St, Osborne Park WA 601
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