HIRE-A-GARBO offers professional, reliable rubbish removal with a smile!
Our team will load your unwanted rubbish into our purpose built trucks and responsibly dispose of it - easy!
We recycle upto 70% of the waste that we collect!
We service metropolitan Melbourne & South Eastern suburbs
- Hard Rubbish Collection & Disposal
- Green Waste Collection & Disposal
- E-Waste Collection & Disposal
- Property Cleanups (Pre Sale & Post Lease)
- Room Stripouts
- Shed & Carport Removal
- Deck & Fencing Removal
...And More!
Call our friendly customer service team on 1300-4-A-GARBO (1300 42 42 72).
HIRE-A-GARBO provides affordable, professional & reliable rubbish removal services to Greater Melbourne and Melbourne's south eastern suburbs.