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Sydney Electrical Service
If you have a need for a Sydney electrician company authorised as a level 2 electrician service provider, then you need Sydney Electrical Service.
If you have a need for a Sydney electrician company authorised as a level 2 electrician service provider, then you need Sydney Electrical Service. We do quality, reliable electrical services, Sydney suburbs included. Our team is accredited by the NSW Department of Planning. We have the experience and connections to plan, handle paperwork, and provide the entire service you need. Sydney Electrical Service is an authorised Level 2 Service Provider specialising in the supply of electricity from the energy authority network to your property. We provide all Level 2 Electrical Services. Our professional Emergency Electrician department operates 24/7 at very reasonable prices. We try to ensure that all electrical faults are repaired within a few hours on the spot arrival.
Address Chifley Tower, Level 29 2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone 0433 462 902
Services area Sydney, NSW 2000;
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