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Carpet and Rugs Cleaning Adelaide
Hire the experts of Squeaky Clean Rugs this is a spot where you get helpful Carpet Cleaning Adelaide services at affordable rates. Best Carpet Cleaning Adelaide is also required because dirty carpets deteriorate the look of the home and can trigger a variety of health problems. To clean these stains, use only the right stain remover or use Adelaide's carpet cleaning methods provided by our experts to make your carpet appear stainless, and look beautiful. So Call us on 0488849499 to book our affordable and effective cleaning services.
Address Adelaide SA 5000
Phone 0488 849 499
Category Carpet Cleaning
Services area Adelaide, SA 5000;
Opening hours

Monday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Tuesday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Wednesday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Thursday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Friday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Saturday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Sunday 06:00AM - 09:00PM

Payment options Amex, Bankcard, Cash, Cheque, Direct Deposit, Mastercard, MoneyOrder, PayPal, Visa
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