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Dantian Health
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine is a holistic system of health care that has a long history stemming back more than 2000 years. Involving the modalities of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Massage, Dietary Therapy and Exercise Therapy, it is a well rounded approach to managing states of disorder which affect your body's health. The focus of Chinese Medicine is to understand the root cause of disease and to restore your body's health and vitality that arises from having an abundant supply and uninterrupted flow of Qi (energy) and blood. Chinese Medicine can support you in the management of a wide variety of health complaints such as: pain, headaches, injuries, menstrual disorders, digestive disturbances, sub fertility, insomnia and stress. Treatments at Dantian Health help to re-establish the healthy flow of blood and Qi (energy), restoring the ability of your body to heal itself. Jason holds qualifications in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Massage and Shiatsu. Jason can provide health insurance rebates for most health funds and is a nationally registered health practitioner with AHPRA. Dantian Health operates from the Australian Shiatsu College in Brunswick. Bookings by appointment only.
Address 103 Evans St, Brunswick VIC 3056
Phone 0424 883 409
Category Acupuncture
Services Melbourne, Brunswick, Carlton, Northcote, Thornbury, Coburg
Services area Brunswick, VIC 3056;
Opening hours

Monday Closed

Tuesday 10:00AM - 08:00PM

Wednesday Closed

Thursday 10:00AM - 08:00PM

Friday Closed

Saturday 10:00AM - 02:30AM|

Sunday Closed

Payment options Cash, Direct Deposit, Mastercard, PayPal, Visa
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