Adelaide City Acupuncture Pain Clinic |
Pain management in the Natural Way! |
At City Acupuncture Pain Clinic we utilising Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques in diagnosing and treating our patient to rebalance their Chi and Yi / Yang to restore their internal health.
The services we provide are:
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine combined with western medical methods to treat the disorders of::
General Medicine:
Depression, Anxiety or Stress, Headaches, Migraine, Pain Management, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hay fever, Sinusitis etc.
Infertility or IVF Assistance, PMS, Menopausal Syndrome etc.
Cosmetological Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine:
Facial Rejuvenation or Face Lift (Cosmetic) etc.
Addiction Cessation:
Smocking or Drugs Addiction etc.
Functional Rehabilitation of post Sports Injury:
Strains, Sprains etc.
Stress or Bad Sleep
Knees or Joints pain
Hayfever or Sinusitis
Menopause or PMS
Infertility or PID
Head or Migraine
Strains or Sprains
Weight or On Diet
Herbal Medicine – dating back to ancient times, the use of herbal medicines have assisted people in treating a variety of illnesses. Our experienced practitioners are highly trained in the safe use of herbs to support your body's ability to maintain or regain health. Click here to learn more.
Acupuncture – involves the use of fine, sterilized, disposable needles inserted along the meridians of the body. Uniquely soothing and invigorating, acupuncture combines ancient wisdom with modern innovation to promote the body's natural capacity for healing, and to release patterns of pain and dysfunction.
Tui Na (Chinese Massage or Therapeutic Massage) – combines smooth pressure and movement to the acupuncture points and meridians of the body to promote healthy circulation, relieve tension, and harmonize the body's energetic systems. Both relaxing and energizing, therapeutic massage incorporates long flowing strokes as well as more focused pressure in areas of tightness to improve circulation, release tension from the body and decrease pain and stiffness.Sometimes combined with acupuncture. |
Specification |
Depression, Anxiety or Stress, Headaches, Migraine, Pain Management, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hay fever, Sinusitis Infertility or IVF Assistance, PMS, Menopausal Syndrome |